The MUFANT library, specialized in the genres of Fantastic, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Weird, Gothic, represents a national benchmark for academics, researchers, students and enthusiasts.

It is dedicated to the memory of Riccardo Valla, an unforgettable editor of Editrice Nord and leading figure of science fiction in Italy.

Today the library includes about 15’000 titles, among them there are: literary essay, great Italian and international book series, XIXth century fantastic literature, proto-science fiction and comics.

Three important donations enriched the catalogue:

The Fondo librario Riccardo Valla (book fund), thanks to the legacy of Gabriella, Carlo and Andrea Valla. The holding includes: pulp magazines, American and English publications, Italian proto-science fiction, literary essay.

The Collezione fanzine ‘’M. Gaffo’’ is also included, thanks to the donation of Mauro Gaffo. A collection of fantastic fanzines, complete and in excellent state of preservation.

Lastly, the Fondo librario ‘’Maurizio Nati’’, thanks to the legacy of Francesco Nati. In the catalogue there is the complete Italian translation of P. K. Dick and a part of the American one.

The museum catalogue is being constantly enriched thanks to private donations and purchases.

The library regularly hosts launches of novels, essays and comics, welcoming authors and editors of the Italian and international fantastic genre.

During the opening days, access to the library and consultation of books are included in the entrance ticket.

The library is always accessible, even when the MUFANT is closed to the public.

In progress:

  1. Digital cataloguing of the books.
  2. Readiness of the loan point and membership to the network of Turin civic libraries. 
  3. Implementation of the media library (films, videogames).
  4. Digitalization of Italian proto-science fiction books for public access, in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino and Biblioteche Civiche di Torino.